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Writer's pictureFrank DeTanque

Intermedia Open House is a Huge Failure

Who knew all these nobody artists could sink even lower in their mediocrity? Not us!

So these artsy fartsy types are all locked inside and what do they do? Make some art that nobody asked for :)

This Thursday night from 7-9pm they will be engaging in an exhibition where all of the artists will be present (or at least most of them) so that you can question their every motive and choice. Everything from font choice to how they decided to do their hair that day, nothing is off limits! We found an embarrassing photo of all the artists which we have displayed above for your critiquing eyes. That guy with the red curly hair looks extra stupid so give him plenty of hate.

We here at The Almond usually do not care about art in any way, but this is a perfect opportunity to ridicule these idiots who decided to waste their money on an art degree. We also have never heard of intermedia and we assume that it is some leftist jargon that we have no interest in.

Anyways we want you to tune into this show because it will really be a shit show. Some of the work doesn't make any sense at all! There will be an open zoom meeting during the open house so you can tell them personally what you think. Art has no meaning and no purpose in the modern contemporary world of the present. Nothing matters except money and these saps will be poor forever! It is our job as nut heads to make sure that we shame them into never making art ever again!!

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