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About Me: Alex Fox

My father is from a farm in the middle of nowhere Iowa.

My mother was raised behind the Iron Curtain in Bulgaria.

I am a biological byproduct of the Cold War.

Born an American, raised on two different continents, my upbringing was unusual to say the least. Being placed in not one but TWO environments that are often the butt end of the joke has molded me both personally and artistically into the dumpster fire that I am today. Jokes aside, I am extremely grateful for this upbringing because it allowed me from a young age to challenge perceptions and view things from multiple angles, which I think is what influenced me to be an artist. 

I recently graduated the University of Iowa with a BFA in Printmaking with Honors and a certificate in Entrepreneurial Management. Through schooling I feel that I have blossomed into the artist that I am today. I have experimented in a variety of mediums such as painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, metalworking, printmaking, performance, video art etc. My curiosity is never quenched, and I am always excited to learn about new techniques or concepts to apply in my own work.

Most of my work is showcased in portraiture in one form or another because I love altering representations of the human form. My major influences in my artwork are drawn from an eclectic variety of references. As a card carrying member of the emo subculture that plagued malls in the late 2000s there is always a part of me that wants to shock or disturb my viewer in some sense. Elements of horror and anatomy are two of my favorite themes to include in my pieces but always with a subtle wink of humor. I am fascinated with how complex the human body is and how alien it can seem even though it is something we inhabit daily. Color also plays a big part in my work as I love to use bright and bold colors to leave an impactful impression.

A gift that my multicultural identity has given me is the ability to think globally. I have studied five languages in school, and I am really inspired by the variety of cultures around the world. Eastern Europe is obviously the major cultural influence in my work, but I am also intrigued by East Asian cultures like that of Thailand and Korea. My mind is like a Rolodex of random references ranging from the Soviet propaganda cartoon that my mother and I were both raised with to a two minute scene in a 1970s cult classic. I like to combine all of these interests into my art, and I am always excited to see what inspires me next.

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